Stay DORA compliant with SECURA Cloud Platinum

Learn how ISEC has undertaken efforts to help clients stay compliant with The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).

Secure continuity and data with SECURA Cloud Platinum.

SECURA Cloud Platinum is our top-of-the-line hosting solution that offers glimmering performance and assures that you stay DORA compliant. The system guarantees an RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) of a maximum of two hours, which meets the regulatory requirements.

The system runs on virtual WMMare servers, and all data in the virtual resource pool is mirrored through VMware vSAN and site mirroring between the primary and secondary sites. In the event of an interruption in the operation of the primary site, an almost instant transition to the secondary site will take place.

All data on SECURA Cloud Platinum is backed up on a third site in accordance with ISEC’s back-up strategy, considering our demands of sensitivity, availability, and correctness of the data.

SECURA Cloud Platinum is the preferred choice of hosting by fund and asset managers who value digital resilience, performance, and perseverance.

Andreas Serrander

Head of Client Success

How is ISEC affected by DORA?

ISEC plays a pivotal role as an ICT supplier and subtractor. As a fund management company that is under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FI), ISEC is daily affected by DORA to stay resilient.

ISEC delivers system, cloud, and administration services, making ISEC a critical ICT supplier for many of its clients. To meet these increased demands, ISEC has implemented a range of measures to help its clients meet the requirements set by DORA.

Talk to an expert.

Andreas Serrander

Head of Client Success