Independent Valuation

Ensure Accurate Asset Pricing
ISEC’s Independent Valuation services are tailored for fund management companies. Our team of experts ensures accurate and transparent asset pricing.
This could be particularly important if you are managing an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) where an independent valuation function is required. However, our services could also help other types of funds, as the duality checks reduce the risks of NAV errors and further improve investor confidence.
Accurate Asset Valuation and Customizable Solutions
Benefit from accurate and transparent asset valuation services customized to your requirements. Our rigorous methodologies ensure reliability and confidence in asset pricing. Whether it is periodic valuations or ad-hoc assessments, we provide tailored solutions.
Why independent valuation is critical for an AIF
Independently valuing assets is not just a regulatory requirement for AIFs; it’s a crucial practice that enhances the credibility and accuracy of your fund’s reported value.
By employing independent valuations, it reduces the risk of NAV errors significantly. Our independent valuations ensure a dual-check system where both the initial valuations and the final reported values undergo rigorous scrutiny, enhancing transparency, and boosting investor trust.
Talk to our risk management experts now!
Stefan Gavelin
Chief Operational Officer – ISEC Services
Contact me
ISEC offer you
Reliable Asset Pricing
Ensure accuracy and transparency in asset valuation, fostering trust among stakeholders and investors.
Tailored Solutions
Access customizable valuation services and reports for your specific requirements, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.
Regulatory Compliance
As an AIF, outsource the independent valuation function and ensure it is operated and staffed professionally by ISEC.
Contact us with your inquiry.
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